
Simple Ways to Make Your Vacation Rental Environmentally Friendly

Making your home more environmentally friendly not only appeals to travelers but also gives you the chance to earn more money by attracting more five-star reviews and differentiating your property from the competition, all while lowering your carbon footprint.

Below are a variety of suggestions on how to make your rental property more environmentally friendly, regardless of whether you’re searching for quick ways to be more sustainable or you’re prepared to support larger conservation projects with long-term financial rewards.

Focus on Water Conservation

The average American home uses more than 300 gallons of water every day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). That figure probably increases in your holiday rental because visitors might not fully load the dishwasher before starting a cycle. Since they are on vacation, they might forgo taking a shower in favor of a lengthy soak in the tub.  

Good thing is there are economical ways to do water conservation.

1. Invest in Low-Flow Showerheads, Aerators, and Faucets

Aerators, showerheads, and faucets with low flow rates can help you save more than 2,700 gallons of water annually. The best part is that they cost as little as $10 to $20 per, making it possible for you to have a more environmentally friendly Airbnb at a reasonable cost (according to the EPA, that’s the equivalent of doing 88 loads of laundry).

2. Replace Toilets with Water Sense-Labeled Models

These EPA-backed, energy-efficient toilets normally cost between $150 and $300, but they can help you save 13,000 gallons of water per year and $130. They’ll help you save a lot of water when combined with other bathroom changes, and the cost might even pay for itself within a year.

3. Conduct a Water Audit

A water audit can help you identify the area of your home that would benefit most from an upgrade if you’re unsure of where to focus your investment. Conducting one every three months will assist identify chances for greater efficiency and help you plan your use of water because it can vary with the seasons.

Increase Paper Conservation The United States utilizes more than 65 million metric tons of paper annually on average. There is a paper problem to be solved, even though this number takes into consideration usage in business, by consumers, and at home. By implementing a few straightforward yet efficient operational improvements, you may reduce the quantity of paper your vacation rental utilizes.

4. Buy Recycled Paper Products

100% recycled paper towels and toilet paper are intended to cut waste, but they are a little more expensive. Just be careful not to skimp on the quality of these amenities because you want to maintain a five-star level of guest satisfaction. 

5. Consider Putting all Business Operations Online

Take your booking and guest communications digital and do away with paper checks and postal invoices. It’s a simple approach to make your home more environmentally friendly and more convenient for travelers on the go.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Products 

Switching to energy-efficient choices can drastically save utility expenses by reducing the amount of heat and electricity used. Here are some suggestions for sensible, energy-efficient home improvements.

6. Purchase ENERGY STAR-Certified Light Bulbs

Property owners can save an average of $225 annually by switching to CFL and LED lighting, which can cut energy use by up to 25%. They quickly pay for themselves at about $2 to $5 per bulb.  

7. Install Motion-Activated Sensors

Only when a presence is sensed do these lights come on; they go out when nothing moves. They work well in bedrooms and outdoor areas, helping you save some money on energy costs and reducing the likelihood that visitors would unintentionally leave the lights on.

8. Invest in Smart Thermostats

Many types connect to your smartphone so you can control remotely, which is a terrific way to save the expense of heating and cooling. Smart thermostats also provide you a fantastic opportunity to wow guests right away because, during the hot summer months, you can make sure your home is cool when they arrive (some can even recognize which rooms are used and adjust accordingly). You can warm up the house in time for a cozy welcome when the winter weather arrives.

9. Upgrade Appliances

The sustainability of your rental can be significantly improved by using appliances with an ENERGY STAR rating, even though they are more expensive initially. These EPA-approved appliances can cut your annual expenses by over $500 (a sum that experts predict will increase to over $800 in the next ten years) and use less energy than their conventional counterparts.

10. Purchase Energy-Efficient Windows and Glass Doors

Costs for ENERGY STAR-certified products range from $270 to $800 for windows and, on average, $350 for doors. However, these improvements reduce your energy costs over time by keeping heat inside during the winter and outside during the summer. According to data, replacing single-pane windows can result in annual savings of up to $583 and up to $197, respectively.

11. Invest in Solar Panels

This is by far the largest expenditure, but it will pay off in the long run. The average person spends over $4,000 a year on electricity; however, solar panel installation can drastically reduce this expense over the length of a person’s lifetime. Owners of this potent green technology can anticipate free electricity generation for over 20 years, and may even turn a profit by selling electricity back to local power companies, as solar panels have an average lifespan of roughly 25 years.

Extend Your Reach into the Community

Making your home more environmentally friendly involves more than just avoiding conventional water and energy sources. Employing companies who produce goods and services that support your environmental aims will also help the economy stay sustainable.

12. Source Decor from Sustainable Merchants

Invest in locally manufactured furniture, decorations, and items for your welcome baskets to add distinctive touches to your holiday rental. (You could even call out sustainable businesses in a welcome book.) Eco-conscious tourists like knowing that the makings of your house were deliberately picked, and it’s always wonderful to create easy opportunities for them to join in local sustainability.

13. Hire Local Service Companies

Consider environmentally friendly techniques and distance when hiring cleaning and maintenance crews. By assisting little neighborhood businesses, you can reduce your impact on the carbon footprints of larger corporations. Choosing locally also tackles environmental issues on a more fundamental level; the less of an environmental impact your service providers’ travel to the property has, the closer they are to your home.

Make It Easy for Guests to Be Environmentally-Friendly

Making your rental property eco-friendly has many financial and cost-saving advantages, but you can also pay it forward (and meet the growing demand for sustainable tourism) by providing your guests with simple opportunities to practice sustainability while they are there.

14. Put Out Easily-Marked Recycling Bins

Make recycling containers visible and offer clear guidelines for what can be recycled and what shouldn’t. Inform visitors on the frequency and timing of local recycling pickups so they may take part easily.

15. Stock Reusable Water Bottles and Bags

These things are much-appreciated eco-friendly substitutes for disposable paper and plastic for guests on the go. Stock your kitchen cabinets, and give your cleaning crews the job of washing totes and reusable water bottles between guest stays.  

16. Provide Bikes or Scooters

Having a few non-motorized, emissions-free modes of transportation available is both environmentally friendly and enjoyable, whether guests need to make a quick trip to the market or want to explore the neighborhood. Couples, lone travelers, and families with young children can all benefit from them.

17. Consider a Compost Bin

Set up a compost container in the backyard and provide clear directions for what guests can put inside if you want to reduce food waste at your vacation rental. Composting can also be done conveniently at the countertop while guests prepare food or clean up after a meal.

18. Garden in the Backyard

Gardens take a lot of work to maintain, but if you live close enough and are prepared to put a gardener on your service team or can put in the effort, you can plant flowers that can be cut for fragrant and fresh décor. You may even cultivate your own herbs, fruits, and veggies to put in your welcome baskets, or you might let guests help themselves. Along with providing them with a distinctive vacation rental experience, this also helps them be environmentally friendly.

Get Started Today!

Create a 5-star guest experience immediately after each guest books.  Save time and eliminate the back and forth communication.  Make more money by making it super easy for guests to book again!

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