
Best Answers to Frequently Asked Questions by Airbnb Guests

There will inevitably be common inquiries when guests arrive and depart from different residences. We have gathered a list of frequently asked questions by Airbnb guests along with the best answers to those topics.  

Where’s the Key?

It’s quite acceptable if there are occasions when you are unable to physically assist with your guest’s check-in process. Guests adore self-check-in!

As a homeowner, you want to protect your home by concealing the key. However, sometimes your guests are too drained, starving, or jet-lagged to follow your hazy scavenger hunt on the location of the key. To keep the house secure and make it easy for visitors to access the residence, think about getting a lock box for the guest key.

Another choice is a keyless entry door handle that can be set up to conveniently add and remove guest entrance codes. Send specific directions on how to use the lock box or keyless entry door handle to enter the property, especially if they plan to arrive after dark.

A good example of a descriptive location would be: “The key is under the small yellow pot located to the right of the front door.” This description includes all the necessary details without requiring the guest to solve a mystery before beginning their vacation.

Can I Get a Discount?

The guest might enjoy a good deal or they might have had a problem with the place. Regardless of the reasons for their request for a discount, you, the homeowner, have the final say. Do consider your guests before deciding whether to offer a discount.  

In advance, you might decide to provide a discount to guests who stay longer than five days or who opt for the no-cancellation option. If you are having trouble reserving weekday accommodations, discounts might also be beneficial to your financial situation. Consider providing a discount for those days if your calendar has gaps on the weekdays to assist fill these dates. Discounted accommodations are preferable to no accommodations at all.

If there was a problem with the guests’ stay, be accommodating. You might be prepared to offer a discount for the inconvenience of parking on the street, for instance, if the garage door would not open for them to park their car and that is a listed amenity.

Can I Host a Party?

There are many reasons why guests travel, and one of them can be to celebrate. You, as the property owner, can include requirements in your home rules that guests must abide by. Parties or major celebrations might need to be postponed if your neighbors are delicate or you are worried about property damage.

If you don’t mind if guests celebrate, make sure your home can handle the crowd! A party package including drinkware, cleaning supplies, and games is an option. Alternatively, you might only permit outdoor garden gatherings with a maximum of 10 guests. Whatever you choose, be sure the specifics are spelled out in your rental agreement and that your guests have agreed to abide by the house rules.  

Make sure your insurance is current and covers events if parties are permitted at your rental. This will safeguard your property if the rental platform’s coverage is ineffective or the guest refuses to pay for any damage they do.

What is the Internet’s speed?

Even on vacation, access to the internet has become a need. It makes sense for your guests to inquire about how dependable and reliable the wi-fi is. Providing your guests with your internet speed is the greatest method to respond to their questions. You may also want to include a photo of a speed test result in your offering. Up to 8 devices can be connected simultaneously.

Access to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu may also be desired by guests. Having a specific guest account for your Airbnb home is one alternative. Offering the greatest internet available is guaranteed to make it easier for online students and business professionals to conduct their daily operations.

What is the Parking Situation?

Some guests use cars, trucks, motorcycles, or even RVs to get about. They must secure their car in a secure location. As a result, always include parking details in your Airbnb ad. Do you have a garage? Don’t forget to let your guests know how many cars can fit in the garage. It’s okay if you don’t have any parking, too! On your ad, simply note “No Parking” and the location of the nearest parking lot. You might also suggest ParkStash, Parker, or Spot to guests as parking apps.

Guests want assurances that their stay will be fun and comfortable in their new temporary home. Guests will have a lot of questions because traveling can be difficult. You may improve communication scores by being ready with rapid answers to frequently asked questions from Airbnb guests.

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