
The 12 Most Common Issues with Airbnb and their Solutions

You’re going to experience Airbnb issues as a host sooner or later. Learn how to solve the most typical Airbnb issues and how to avoid them altogether. 

1. Failure to Comply with STR Regulations and Local Laws

It could come as a shock to learn that you can encounter issues with Airbnb even before your company is up and running! 

It’s crucial to rent out your property within the bounds of the neighborhood’s rules and laws if you’re planning to do so. Remember that a vacation rental has different zoning restrictions than a hotel does.

Make sure you thoroughly investigate the Airbnb housing policies of any potential locations because short-term rentals are restricted and occasionally even prohibited in some cities. If you operate your business inappropriately in these areas, you risk having your company reprimanded, fined, or even shut down. 

2. Changes to Check-In/Check-Out Times 

Your guests may occasionally wish to show up earlier or leave later. The likelihood that it doesn’t work for you is great no matter the circumstances, especially if you have planned a key collecting with neighbors. The easiest approach to prevent issues like these on Airbnb is to explicitly state in your listing what kinds of schedule adjustments you accept. 

Any future misunderstandings can be avoided by being upfront about this right away. If you can accommodate these adjustments, be sure to allow them to change their check-in or check-out times up to a certain number of hours before the start of their stay. 

If you’ve already stated it in your home rules but the guest ignores it, politely deny the adjustments. Most of the time, the guest will back off and accept your rules. However, if you can offer early check-in or early check-out without incurring any costs, do so to please your clients!

3. Cancelling a Reservation

Sometimes, even before the reservation starts, you just have a gut feeling or witness a blatant clue that something will go awry. Perhaps visitors are making too many requests, or you worry they might throw a party at your rental home and generate annoying Airbnb issues. Whatever the reason, you already know that you want them to reschedule. 

However, considering that cancellations by Airbnb hosts might have a negative impact on a visitor’s trip, you should be aware that there are fines for such actions. First, carefully consider whether the cancellation is actually required. 

Remember that only certain types of reservations qualify for free cancellations from Airbnb hosts.

Extenuating circumstances: These are situations that are out of your control. In the event of a natural disaster, unrest in the political system, etc., you can cancel without incurring penalties. Be aware that the situation must be completely out of anyone’s control.  

Unauthorized events: If you learn that a guest intends to host an unlicensed event at your property, you may cancel their reservation. However, you’ll have to show Airbnb proof that a party was scheduled to happen (such as guest message threads, invitations, or previous reviews stating the guest hosted an illegal party). 

Reservations made through Instant Book: In some cases, you may cancel an Instant Book reservation:

a. if the guest expressly declares their intention to infringe a rule, such as smoking or bringing pets.

b. If the guest’s needs are not met by your property. 

c. if the guest’s profile isn’t full or if previous reviews from hosts were unfavorable.

Remember that you must cancel more than 24 hours before the scheduled check-in time. You must get in touch with Airbnb and ask them to cancel your reservation for you if you want to do so less than 24 hours before check-in. Only three cancellations of Instant Book reservations without fees are permitted in a single year.

4. Guest Cancellation with Late Notice

An unexpected, last-minute cancellation is one of the most serious Airbnb issues a host can face. Check the guest’s evaluations from other hosts and speak with them before accepting the booking to avoid such problems. To gauge how committed your potential guest is to renting your home, ask them about their trip plans.

5. Amenity Issues

The shower is broken, the internet is down, or the garage door won’t close. Whatever the problem, since you are the Airbnb host and are providing a service, it is your responsibility to resolve it. You need to let your guest know that you are going to deal with any Airbnb problems they’re facing straight away. 

Be sure to apologize and notify guests when you can access the property to make repairs. If you don’t move quickly, the guest can become unhappy, want to leave a bad review, and want to cancel their stay.

6. Concerns About Noise

Guests who complain about noise from the neighbors, especially late at night, are another issue Airbnb hosts face. Even though it wasn’t your fault, you are still in charge of how your visitors are treated. 

Tell the neighbors to be quiet by giving them a call. If they refuse, you can phone your neighborhood police station or security firm to file a noise complaint. 

However, you might want to reconsider listing your rental property on Airbnb if noise is a persistent issue. If the problem continues, you can keep getting bad ratings for your listing, which could endanger your company.

7. The Partygoers

One of the most frequent problems faced by Airbnb hosts prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was partying. A global party ban at all of Airbnb’s vacation rental properties was announced for 2020. 

The “event-friendly” and “parties and events allowed” filters from Airbnb’s search engine were eliminated as a result of this ban. Additionally, they have mandated a 16-person guest maximum for each rental unit. Additionally, there are more stringent requirements for guests under 25 who want to reserve the entirety of an Airbnb house and have a negative review history.

Try to get in touch with your guests if you think they’re going to have a party at your rental home. Remind them that parties are completely prohibited on your property and that if they violate this regulation, Airbnb may decide to take legal action against them. 

If they disregard this warning, you can report them to Airbnb. Keep in mind that you’ll need proof that they intend to host a party.

8. Guests Dislike the Airbnb Host or One Another

What can you do if your tenants are already residing at your rental home and they are no longer getting along? Although issues like these with Airbnb can be a pain, nothing to worry about. 

Never take someone else’s side since that person can feel singled out. You don’t want them to cancel their reservation as a result of this. Talk to each visitor and attempt to reach a compromise. Keep your cool and be polite even if you don’t get along with the guests or they don’t get along with you.

9. Your Valuables Have Sustained Damages

Finding inadvertent or deliberate damage to your rental property after a guest leaves is one of the worst possible Airbnb situations you could encounter. All Airbnb hosts want to steer clear of this disaster at all costs. 

As the saying goes, a strong defense makes for the best offense. Charge a security deposit, create a vacation rental contract, and buy comprehensive vacation rental insurance as ways to safeguard your assets from loss. 

Don’t freak out if a guest does damage your amenities or property. Record videos, take pictures of the damage in each room, and gather any further relevant evidence you come across.

It’s crucial to always follow the legitimate, legal procedure laid out by Airbnb. No host ever wants to deal with damaged rental properties. Keep all communications and comments on the Airbnb website, never threaten a guest, and never lose your cool.

10. Misplaced or Stolen Domestic Items

You’ve lost all of your extra towels, toilet paper, and playing cards. Ask your guests respectfully if they have spotted the missing belongings first. Before making any allegations, take a good look around your entire house or apartment, inspecting all of the rooms and cabinets. 

You might choose to let guests know that an item was not provided for free without charging them if it appears that it has been lost or taken and it is not of significant value. If you want to save time and anxiety, this is likely your best choice.

11. Guest Made a Negative Review

One of the most frequent issues you could encounter with Airbnb is getting a bad review. A sincere apology almost always works, but if it doesn’t, keep your composure and explain what happened. Concentrate on the pleasant aspects of your guests’ stay while describing your attempts to fix the problem. 

Kindly respond to each review. This will demonstrate to potential Airbnb guests that you are a thoughtful and respectful host.

12. Defective Amenities

A security deposit may be a smart idea for smaller, less complicated mishaps, like discovering your wine glasses are damaged. However, you might want to think about getting separate insurance to protect expensive goods like jewels, collectibles, or works of art that cost more than the security deposit you’ve kept.

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