
Product Updates Spring 2023

Our #1 goal at Everhost is to help hosts create an amazing guest experience from the moment a booking is confirmed. We do this by offering guests everything needed before their stay and connecting travelers with local places.

We’re stoked about this latest release and love being part of your guest experience!

 Updated Front-End Design
Part of what makes the Everhost platform so popular is how easy it is to use for guests and simple to manage for hosts.  With our latest front-end design we’ve kept it simple and beautiful.  Hope you love it as much as we do!

Faster Listing Set-Up
Performing the initial setup of your guest welcome book has been streamlined to reduce potential errors and missing content.  Follow the setup wizard and build your welcome book even faster! 

Curated Nearby Places
One of the things guests still love about booking a short-term rental is the the opportunity for a local experience.  We make this easier than ever by auto curating the best places near your property’s address.  It only takes a few minutes to highlight and share your local favorites.

  • Add / Delete search categories
  • Set search radius
  • Nearby places added automatically
  • Add / Edit local listings
  • Highlight your favorite places

* Due to significant upgrades in Nearby places all users will need to update their local picks (hearted favorites).

Pro Features
Have more than 10 property listings or want more control over branding?  You can now upgrade to our Pro version.  Upgrading to Pro unlocks some awesome features like creating unlimited welcome books, remove Everhost branding and replace with your own, and upload a custom background theme.

Cost:  $99 per year

Ready to go Pro?  Pro accounts are currently being rolled out upon request.  Contact ed@everhost.io for your Pro account.

 Need Help?  We’re here for you, send us a message at support@everhost.io

Get Started Today!

Create a 5-star guest experience immediately after each guest books.  Save time and eliminate the back and forth communication.  Make more money by making it super easy for guests to book again!

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