
Establishing Ground Rules for Long-Term Stays

Setting ground rules is crucial whether you are renting out your home as an Airbnb for a few months or a few weekends each year. Establishing ground rules promotes the effectiveness of your business, improves the experience for your guests, and safeguards your home. Since long-term guests will be spending a lot of time on your property, setting the ground rules for lengthy stays is just as important, if not more so.

What are the guidelines?

You can clearly state what guests can and cannot do during a long stay, as well as the consequences for disobeying any established restrictions. Your guests will get a sense of how you host and look after your property from the ground rules you establish for your home.

To assist guests in determining whether your location is appropriate for them before making a reservation, you should ideally disclose your regulations as part of your listing.

The effectiveness of the ground rules you establish for extended visits will be greatly influenced by your strategy. Here is a quick checklist of things to take into account when establishing the ground rules:

Keep it Simple

Use plain English that is straightforward to understand; this is crucial if your Airbnb hosts guests from other countries. Writing ground rules in jargon will cause potential guests to quickly scan them without reading them, which could be costly for both you and them in the event of an accident.

For a complete explanation of additional regulations, sanctions, and other important details, leave a copy of the House Rules.

Consider Your Guests

Consider the kinds of guests your home might host and their needs before establishing your Airbnb ground rules. Are your guests:

  • traveling business people
  • retired grandparents
  • households with children
  • young people

Make sure you specify ground rules for your possible guests as well as ground rules that are appropriate for the kind of guests that might rent your home.

Provide Reminders

You shouldn’t presume that your guests will be vigilant about safety and security. Place discreet reminders all about Airbnb to promote safety. Put a straightforward laminated notice that says, “Remember to lock the door,” for instance, on the back sliding door.

Make your Personality Stand Out

Your rules provide insight into your approach to hosting and the ambience of your Airbnb. You can show off how laid-back and fun-loving you are in your rules. For instance, you may make your regulations humorous by asking the guests not to set your house on fire if they decide to BBQ outside.

Things You Could Put in Your Airbnb Ground Rules

  • Be specific about the sort of parking that is available, such as large or street parking, and its availability.
  • No Additional Guests: You may expressly prohibit guests from coming to your property because they would be using your amenities and property while not paying guests, putting you at risk for the actions of yet another person.
  • Make sure your Airbnb is not being utilized for a party or other event; you want to get paid for the services you offer. A wedding with 200 guests should not be held at an Airbnb; guests should pay more for the event space.
  • No Smoking of Any Kind: Clearly state the smoking policies on your property, the locations where it is permitted, and the trash disposal options. Alternately, make it very obvious that smoking is prohibited and charge a substantial cleaning fee if it does. Remember that marijuana and e-cigarettes are still very popular and a hassle to clean up after.
  • No Shoes Inside: You could ask guests to leave their shoes outside out of respect or to protect your flooring. If you’re going to do this, set aside a basket or cubby specifically for shoes.
  • Make sure your guests are aware of your property’s pet-friendly policies. If it isn’t, you’ll have to pay a cleaning fee if someone brings a pet over. Create a pet-friendly part of the yard if pets are allowed to maintain your property free of messes and damage.
  • Children and Infant Policy: If your home is not suitable for children or infants, make sure to specify it in your ground rules.
  • No Flame Candles: Do not let any candles with open flames enter your premises, including birthday candles. Make sure you have battery-operated candles available for your guests.

Other straightforward and self-explanatory guidelines might be:

  • Don’t consume anything in bedrooms. 
  • When leaving the listing, turn off the air conditioning.
  • The check-in and check-out times should be observed.
  • Observe the local quiet hours.
  • Don’t misplace your keys.
  • Avoid moving the furniture around.
  • Take out the garbage and wash the dishes.

What happens if a guest disobeys your Airbnb policies?

By abiding by the rules, your Airbnb guests should uphold their end of the contract. Usually, breaching home rules results in payment of a charge for repair or replacement. However, if the damage is difficult to repair or too severe for your insurance to cover, you can request something specific.

You Are Protected by the Law

Your ground rules can help you mediate a problem if you and a guests have a disagreement. Have a direct discussion with the client to find a solution if a guests violates your ground rules as soon as possible.

Sadly, there will be occasions when ground rules are broken and you won’t know. That is a need of doing business, but keep your guests in mind and prepare for their demands. As you host more frequently, it is acceptable to modify the regulations; just be sure to update your listing with the updated guidelines.

Setting ground rules that are appropriate for your Airbnb and preferences decreases damage to your home and aids in accident prevention. Make sure your ground rules are clear and uncomplicated. It will help you feel in charge and give you peace of mind when your guests understand your regulations.

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